Backroads Berkeley Campus
Berkeley, California 2001-2010
Backroads, an internationally recognized active travel company, retained Trachtenberg Architects to create its headquarters on a site in west Berkeley. The site consisted of four existing warehouse buildings dominated by a parking lot.
We set out to adapt and unify the existing building fabric to provide comprehensive facilities for the company, including offices, conference rooms, a café, training space, and parking. A fifth building, the only entirely new structure, provides parking and additional offices space. The 13,000 sq ft complex is organized around a lush courtyard garden that provides private space for company meetings, parties and casual enjoyment.
Owner: Tom Hale
Architect: David Trachtenberg, A. Eugene Sparling, Winnie Stopps, Ken Powelson, Joshua Aidlin, Christain Dauer, Neven Krickovic
Landscape Architect: Garden Architecture
Engineer: Ingraham DeJesse Associates
Builder: Creative Spaces (Phases I+II), BBI Construction (Phase III), Kaufman Construction (Phase !V)
Budget: Confidential